Windows 10 Find My Device

All of our PC’s are on Windows 10. I was wondering if anyone knows how to use the Find My Device feature? Or knows a good resource of how to set it up. We are on a domain and also use Office 365 (they are not connected).

I did find something in settings that says “if you’ve connected a work or school account find my device won’t work”. I have put in each users O365 as a work account so maybe it is not possible?

Is there a way to track through O365?

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How to Set Up Find My Device in Windows 10

  1. Select Settings.
  2. Tap Update & security.
  3. Select Find My Device . …
  4. Switch “Save my device’s location periodically” on.
  5. Sign in with your Microsoft Account name and password.
  6. Select Find My Device .

Don’t have the #4 option.

Are you using a Work or School account?

  • You can’t use it with a work or school account

Yup. Mentioned that in my original post.

In Office365 / Azure AD this isn’t a feature even in inTune except for iOS devices. Oddly.