Upgrading from Mac OS 10.6.8

I have been reimaging a few Macbook Pros and have been experiencing issues with upgrading from OS 10.6.8. I am unable to update to OS Sierra or El Capitan without upgrading to 10.7 which I haven’t been able to upgrade to or download successfully. Has anyone else come across this as well?

Minimum OS to upgrade to El Capitan is 10.6.8 (source)
Minimum OS to upgrade to Sierra is 10.7 (source)

If you truly are coming from Snow Leopard, you might be better off with a nuke/pave scenario.

One thing to note, your Macs must be 2010 and newer for Sierra.

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You are coming from a long way back. I would take the erase and clean install path Will suggested. Just make sure you meet the minimum system requirements.

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I actually did the clean erase (nuke/pave) on one system and when I
restored the OS it restored to Sierra. Thanks for the help guys.

Omar Jacobs
IT Services Coordinator
Bridgeway CC

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