Teams Meetings and Sharing Computer Audio

Having issues with sharing computer audio via Teams Room to remote participants.

Anyone have suggestions or would like to share how they have their Team Rooms setup onsite?

Thank you!

Blane, I have put together devices including a laptop to use Teams, but I haven’t jumped in and set up a Teams Room. We have groups that use Zoom and other who use Teams. Did you ever figure out the sound issue? Do you like the Teams Room features?

Good morning Blane. We have 3 Teams meeting room devices setup which are all Lenovo ThinkSmart Hub 500’s connected to Logitech Rally Plus video conferencing kits.
I remember early on there wasn’t a way to share audio with remote participants but I believe that has changed now.
Perhaps this link will help.

I can setup a test meeting and confirm if this works on our 3 setups later this week or early next week. I’ll post back the results.