Change the like icon?

Can we change the post like icon from a heart to say a thumbs up icon?


Iā€™d click the like button, but on this post that just seems silly.

I believe itā€™s easy enough to do that, want to pick an icon?

Also, here is the theory/reasoning behind the ā€œHeartā€


Looking for a good ā€˜thumbs upā€™ icon to use ā€¦

Realistically, the choice is between

letā€™s try the 2nd one and see how it looks in play

Iā€™ve made the change, check it out and see if itā€™s betterā€¦

now letā€™s try the first version :slight_smile:

Hmm, clicking the like button didnā€™t seem to make any changes?

Yeah; itā€™s not working right, so Iā€™ve reverted until I can debug it.

I like the first thumbs up - solid color. But it really doesnā€™t matter. For the purposes of this group I think a thumbs up of any type would be better than the heart.


the solid color thumbs up

/me gives @iamkarlp a :heart: ā€¦I mean a thumbs upā€¦I mean a like

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You should keep it as a heart because thatā€™s what literally every major social media platform uses.

Move to close the topic.

Facebook is still thumbs up as the default

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Only due to their brand.

Motion to close topic and not copy facebook.

lol @ the ā€œmove to closeā€¦ā€ ā€œmotion to closeā€¦ā€ silence :wink: