Official Maintenance Thread

If you want to be updated w/r/t upcoming Discourse scheduled (and unscheduled) maintenance, feel free to watch this thread. Please reply with new threads to keep from spamming people who just want maintenance notifications.

Our VM will be rebooted for the ZombieLoad Patching on 01-Jul-2019 between 0900-1100 GMT.

Time Converter

Maintenance Details

I will be performing routine updates to the Discourse box and forum software tonight at 23:30 UTC.

More security and bugfix updates (and maybe offline support) tonight at 23:30 UTC.

I will be updating our platform image to the latest version and performing routine host patching Friday, September 5 23:30 UTC.

I will be updating our platform image to the latest version and performing routine host patching Friday, October 4 23:30 UTC.

I will be updating our Discourse instance and performing patching today Thursday, Oct 17 at 23:30 UTC.

This weekend we’ll be updating to Discourse version 2.4 and performing platform updates.

Maintenance alerts are moving to an email list.

Discourse will be updated today at around 6PM Eastern Time.