Moving to Rock RMS (Multi-Campus Church of 2500)

My church is evaluating Rock RMS with an eye towards eventuallyusing it as our Website CMS, ChMs, Checkin, and Facility Management for room reservations and such. My executive pastor has some questions that I am trying to work through.

  • We would need to have Rock hosted and managed by an external partner for the foreseeable future. Does the community have recommendations for those with good customer service and/or anybody to specifically avoid?

  • We currently have F1 and ServiceU which are at least functional so the first task to hand off to Rock would be drive our website. Does anybody have a good example in their opinion of a multi-campus church website driven by Rock?

  • Has anybody traveled the path of migrating from F1 and ServiceU to rock ahead of us? Any pitfalls to note?

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Do note there’s an active slack RockRMS team you might want to join in addition to the responses you’ll get here in the forum.


I would suggest cross-posting on the Ask portion of the RockRMS site. You’ll get some places running Rock that don’t have an IT person (and wouldn’t see your question here).

Rock’s Partners page is a great place to start. I know some positive experiences with people at BEMA and KFS.


There are several Rock partners that provide hosting services you can read about here (scroll to the Data Specialists section). I’m not aware of anyone to avoid. Rock is kind of new so the bad apples haven’t surfaced yet :wink: is an example multi-campus site as is You can also find a list of Who’s Using Rock here A word of caution, though… if you search through that list you will see that many sites look similar and you might jump to the conclusion that Rock sites have to adhere to that look and feel… not so! In reality many churches pressed the Easy Button just to get their Rock sites up and running by using the built-in template, but a competent Web Dude/Dudette can create a template to look completely different… it’s really only up to the skill of your web dev as to what it can look like.

Several Rock churches have migrated from F1 and there’s even a tool that’s been developed to migrate F1 data. Your best bet for info on that is to join the Rock slack team and head to the #migration channel.

As for ServiceU, there is currently no facility scheduling functionality in Rock, though a plug-in is being actively developed and will be available in the Rock Shop when done. I would expect that until early 2017 though.

Hope that helps.


@jpowell I will join that Slack Team - thank you!