How to Schedule an Org-wide Teams Meeting

So I’ve got an org-wide team set up in Teams and want to schedule n all staff meeting but it appears that I still have to add the attendees individually. i’m probably missing something.

You can add a channel to your meeting invite as well. But this will NOT send a calendar request to members of the Team (unless they happen to subscribe to your underlying Office 365 group’s email list).
It’s a very dumb situation to say the least. If you add a channel, a post will be added in the channel that folks can view.

Our best-practice recommendation is to just schedule the meeting via Outlook where you can invite distribution lists to invite everyone at once. Just click the ‘teams meeting’ button in your invite to have it automatically insert the meeting information for you.


Okay great idea about using the Outlook calendar. thank you!!!

I do like @tlphipps best practice recommendation but also know there is a work around for this if you absolutely want to use the channel to invite people.


Using Office Admin center - Navigate to Groups. Search for your group (team name). Select the team and then select ‘Edit’ to the right of the name.

Enable the option that says ‘Send copies of group conversations and events to group members’ inboxes.’ This will then be enabled for all members. Now when you schedule a meeting in a channel, all team members will get an invite to their inbox.


In Microsoft Teams, choose Join or create a team > Create team.
In the Create your team box, enter a name and description for your team.
Under Privacy, choose Org-wide.