Church Merger and Domain Change Help

Wow…this is great guys…this is so helpful. Appreciate it.


Your biggest challenges aren’t on the system side and you are getting plenty of help there. The biggest challenges you are likely to face is with the users. For some staff this is going to be a massive change for them. User training, support, and perhaps a phased deployment is where I’d focus a lot of attention.

That’s what we found in taking our staff the opposite direction a few years ago.

Good reminder Mark…thx

Maybe I overlooked it, but I didn’t see mention of the specific G Suite edition in consideration. If the church you’re merging with was an early adopter of Google Apps, they may be grandfathered on the G Suite for Education edition as opposed to G Suite for Nonprofits. Anyone signed on with a Google account in the G Suite organization in question can visit Compare Google Workspace editions - Google Workspace Admin Help to determine the edition. You can compare some significant differences here: Google Workspace for Education FAQ - Google Workspace Admin Help
For what it’s worth.

So I hit a road block. I added the new domain name as an alternate UPN in AD and I also added it as an additional domain in O365. I can receive emails with this new domain but when I send emails it keeps showing that it is from the old email address.
Any ideas why? Thanks.

By default, when sending from O365/Exchange, the message will come from your Primary SMTP address. This is different from your UPN in AD and O365. Since you’re syncing from AD, this is something you change in AD and/or your on-prem Exchange console.

You CAN choose manually for each message to send from one of your alias addresses, but that’s a bit tricky to setup correctly.

Yeah, that’s what I thought. I went into the user’s attribute editor within AD and changed attribute proxyAddresses. I changed the values to look like this:


Shouldn’t this change the primary SMTP address?


Wait …I think I know what’s happening. When I send an email to an address I never sent to before it shows up with the new domain name but if it is an address I sent to before it shows up as the old domain

oh yeah, welcome to caching. It’s not a cache in the traditional sense but has to do with the client application associating the user record which technically is the same even though the primary SMTP address has changed.
But the good news is that is sounds like you’ve confirmed you did everything right.