Apple Management Roundtable

I’m considering renaming my “Jamf Forum/Jamf Admin Exchange” workshop to “Apple Management Roundtable” and making it more vendor-agnostic. Is anyone interested in co-leading this roundtable-style workshop who does NOT use Jamf? Let me know here, PM, or email

The idea with this workshop is to talk about how any management platform helps solve basic to complex Mac/iOS management problems.

I’m excited to see that your doing a session on Mac Management. I will definitely be there. We considered Jamf this budget year but passed – but I still need some tools that will help manage our ever-growing mac community. If you need someone to talk about challenges in managing macs I can help with that, but I do very little management of them right now, so I don’t think I would be much help in talking about that.

Ben…sent you an email.

I would certainly like to join the Apple Management Roundtable. I operate a small network of about 12 Macs without Jamf, using Profile Manager and a Synology Server. Still developing some capability, but expect in the next a8 months to have to grow the network by at least a factor of 10 with a mix of end-user stations (including Linux, Windows, Chromebook, iOS, Android, etc.). Thus any management platform that can help me would be well received!